Step into our world of creativity

Welcome to Unreal Spaces, Done Real Easy

Ditch the Zoom fatigue and upgrade your digital hangout with our Go-Brunch custom-tailored, brand-infused, and downright engaging environments. From companies looking for innovative ways to engage with their remote teams to online therapists, coaches, and anyone who runs a community, we’ve got spaces for everyone.

Your Personal Office Vibe

a virtual office space

Personalized, branded, and designed to bring your dream office to life in the virtual world. No commute, no dress code, and definitely no sad desk lunches.

Team Meetings that don’t suck

Our virtual team hangouts are the antidote to mundane meetings. Connect, collaborate, and spark your team's creative genius without ever having to leave your comfy chair.

Public (or private) Co-Working Spaces

Get stuff done in spaces where community thrives and distractions don’t. It’s like your favorite busy café—minus the overpriced latte and that guy who’s always hogging the power outlet.

Why Pick Us?

Let’s face it: most online meetings are as exciting as watching paint dry. That’s why we’re all about creating spaces that aren’t just meetings; they’re experiences. Gone are the days of nodding off, staring at a Zoom screen – welcome to your new favorite online spot that’s as unique as your brand. Why GoBrunch? Simply put: GoBrunch rocks. It’s flexible, it’s creative, and it’s what your meetings should have been using all along. So, why settle for less?

Customization is King

Here’s the scoop: we mold each space to fit your style, vibe, and brand. Thanks to the versatility of the GoBrunch platform, we toss in everything from flashy embeds to transparent GIFs, and even bots to spice things up. Your virtual space will scream 'you' so loudly, your real office might get jealous.

Where Can You Use Our Spaces?


Online Therapy, Consulting, or Coaching - Step into my office has never felt more inviting.

Online Communities - Imagine an experience where you can have unique, engaging rooms open 24/7 for your members to hang out! Each room can be tailored for its unique purpose.

Online Education - Not only can you build personalized, branded classrooms, but you can also build out an entire Academy!

Create Showcases - Showcase your offerings in your virtual walk-in store.

Online Fitness Gatherings - If you work out at home, you know having virtual workout partners make it more fun.

Team Meetings & Co-Working - There’s a reason people do business on the golf course. While this isn’t a golf course, it does offer a more relaxed, inviting feel where you get more creative work done.

Webinars & Live Events - If you want to stand out in a crowded marketplace, offer a NEW experience.

Create Theaters - Have a pre-recorded series of videos designed to turn your leads to buyers? Host them inside your public theater.

In the canvas of the digital world, your imagination is the only boundary. Dream it, design it, live it.
— Gabriel Omat, Founder

Our Services

Done For You Design & Buildout — $500+

We’ll work together to bring your vision to life. Your project can include anything from just a few rooms to a completely built-out virtual company with a roadmap included. From a one room build-out to an entire campus of rooms. Pricing depends on the complexity of your project. The first step is to book a complimentary Vision Planning Session.

Templates & Resources Monthly Subscription - $97 (coming soon)

Love the idea of DIY but still crave a touch of professional flair? Meet our monthly subscription, designed for go-getters who want to handle their own space but with a little extra pizzazz. Our "Do-It-Yourself, But Better" plan grants you access to an ever-growing library of unique room templates, playful GIFs, and handy embed codes + live support once a week inside our Unreal Spaces member’s area.

Sign up with GoBrunch and SAVE!

Use my ambassador link and save some dough. Why wouldn’t ya?

  • Head HERE and use discount code: BRUNCHERS23

  • Because GoBrunch is a new platform, they are offering unbelievable lifetime deals, and you can save 15% on top of it! You can find the lifetime deal HERE. Use coupon code: GABRIELOMAT to save 15%.